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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

Latest News and Events of the URPP on Social Networks

team formal

We regularly post news in connection to the University Research Priority Program on "Social Networks", our team, our research projects and courses, seminars or workshops devoted to this field.

Latest News

The PIIK: AI in Marketing (2019.03.05)

The Piik AI in Marketing

On April 4th, 2019, Jim Sterne, Founder of the Marketing Analytics Summit, Digital Analytics Association and Author of "Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications" (Wiley, 2017), Anne Scherer, Assistant Professor for Quantitative Marketing at UZH, and Alex Mari, Research Associate at UZH, will moderate an Executive Roundtable with 25 senior managers from different industries. 

Lecture Series Spring 2019 - Blockchain Center (2019.02.19)

Blockchain Guest Lecture Series CJT

Today is the launch of a new Lecture Series of the UZH Blockchain Center. We are happy to welcome Dr Shermin Voshmgir, Director of the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics from WU in Vienna.

SPSP Convention and Pre Conference on the Psychology of Media and Technology, Portland US (2019.02.19)

SPSP Convention Portland Andrea Bublitz

February 7th, Andrea Bublitz presented the project "News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like?", in collaboration with Anne Scherer and René Algesheimer at the SPSP Convention in Portland

Workshop at IDC Herzliya, Tel Aviv, Israel (2019.02.05)

Tel Aviv Workshop Herzliya
Earlier this month some members of our team were invited to present their projects during a workshop at the IDC Herzliya in Tel Aviv.

Guest Talks Leif Brandes, University of Luzern (2019.01.25)

Leif Brandes

Leif Brandes will be our guest on 26th March in the PhD Seminar in Quantitative Marketing Research. More details will be available soon.

More details can be found on Marketing Group Zurich.

Guest Talks of Dario Mazzilli and Flavio Iannelli 28.01.2019 (2019.01.24)

iannelli and mazzilli

We are happy to announce the visit of two guest speaker at our chair, on Monday 28th January.

Dario Mazzilli: "Modeling and forecasting countries’ growth: new methods and data." 12:30 - 13:30

Flavio Iannelli: "Influencers Identification: From Effective Distance To ViralRank."

13:30 - 13:30

More details can be found on Marketing Group Zurich.

Dissertation Martin Kindschi (2019.01.08)

Martin Kindschi Defense

Last year we celebrated the dissertation of three PhD Students in total!  One of them is Martin Kindschi, who hold his defense on 19th December 2018.

The title of his talk: "Social Support and Financial Decision-Making. Dynamics in Friendship and Advice Networks ".

Congratulation to all of you and good luck for your further journey!

Gipfelblick with Marc Walder 27.11.2018 (2018.11.10)

Gipfelblick Ringier 2018

It is a great pleasure to announce that we will continue THE PIIK Gipfelblick this fall with the following guest:

Marc Walder, CEO Ringier AG

Please save the date! To stay informed about the upcoming event follow us on Facebook: THE PIIK Gipfelblick on Facebook

More information can be found here.

Congratulations to our PhD's (2018.11.03)

Gipfelblick Ringier 2018
Congratulations to Radu Tanase and Alexander Grimm for finishing your PhD Studies with a great defense! Also we would like to wish Martin Kindschi good luck for his defense, coming up in December!

Guest Talk: Albert Antonioni (2018.10.18)

Alberto Antonioni (Carlos III University of Madrid) will give a guest talk on 23th October with the title “Reputation and the influence of hierarchy in networked cooperative interactions: experimental evidence”. For more information and abstract of the talk, kindly have a look at our Marketing Group Zurich webpage.

Research visit Barak Libai (2018.10.02)

THE PIIK 3rd Swiss Symposium on Network Science
It is our pleasure to announce that Prof. Barak Libai from the Arison School of Business at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel will visit us on 2nd October 2018. He will give a guest talk on “Customer Transferal: Lifetime Value and Satiation in Markets for Frequently Moving Hedonic Experiences”.

3rd Swiss Symposium on Network Science (2018.10.02)

THE PIIK 3rd Swiss Symposium on Network Science

On Tuesday 2nd of October 2018, Prof. Dr. Claudio Tessone and the URPP Social Networks will host the 3rd Swiss Symposium on Network Science in Zurich.

You will find more detailed information, eg schedule and speakers, on the webpage.

Two happy scientists after a 3-hours-lecture on…. happiness (2018.09.24)

Rick Bagozzi

Thank you, Rick, for your visit and inspirational thoughts!

Hope to see you soon again!

Guest visit Rick Bagozzi (2018.09.17)

Rick Bagozzi

We are happy to announce the visit of Rick Bagozzi.

The topic of his talk on Tuesday 18th September is: "Some Initial Explorations in Neuroscience in Marketing"

Wednesday 19th September Rick will share with us: "Some Thoughts on Happiness, Well-Being, and and a Meaningful Life for Academics"

You will find more details about his talk on Marketing Group Zurich.

Guest visit Yuxin Chen (2018.09.05)

Blockchain Centre – 1st Plenary Forum

Yuxin Chen will be visiting us 11th September. The title of his Abstract is

"Extracting and Utilizing In-Consumption Moment-to-Moment Dynamics:
The Case of Movie Appreciation and Live Comments" 

You will find more details about his talk on Marketing Group Zurich.

Conference useR! Brisbane 10th - 13th July 2018 (2018.07.17)

Blockchain Centre – 1st Plenary Forum

At the useR!2018 Conference in Brisbane Patrick Bachmann has presented the following project, in collaboration with Markus Meierer:

«Estimating individual Customer Lifetime Values with R: The CLVTools Package”

Publication in PLOS ONE (2018.06.21)

Blockchain Centre – 1st Plenary Forum

Congratulations to Radu Tanase, Claudio Tessone and René Algesheimer with their newly published article in PLOS ONE!

Tanase, R., Tessone, C. & Algesheimer, R. (2018), Identification of Influencers Through the Wisdom of Crowds, forthcoming in: PLOS ONE. (IF=3.54/2018).

New thesis topic - Working title: The Influence of Online reviews on Online Reputation in the Hospitality Industry. (2018.06.19)

Blockchain Centre – 1st Plenary Forum

re:spondelligent GmbH is offering a very interesting opportunity for writing a thesis on the topic "The Influence of Online reviews on Online Reputation in the Hospitality Industry".  More information and contact details can be found here (PDF, 47 KB).

Blockchain Centre – 1st Plenary Forum (2018.05.22)

Blockchain Centre – 1st Plenary Forum

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 1st Plenary Forum of the Blockchain Centre UZH that will take place on 23.05.2018 at 11:00 – 13:00 in KO2-F-156. After an Introduction and foreword by Prof. Dr Christian Schwarzenegger, Prof. Burkhard Stiller will give the first brown-bag seminar of the upcoming series. Faculty members will then hold the Plenary Forum.

Open position at Vorwerk: Intern in Research and Insights (3-6 months) (2018.04.23)

Hans Risselada

For more details about the open position at Vorwerk, please have a look at the job description. (PDF, 145 KB)

Guest Talk: Dr. Hans Risselada from the University of Groningen (2018.03.13)

Hans Risselada

Hans Risselada will be our first guest speaker of this semester's PhD Seminar in Quantitative Marketing Research on 17th April 2018. More details about his talk are available on the Marketing Group Zurich webpage.

Guest Talk: Andreas Lanz from the University of Mannheim (2018.03.15)

Hans Risselada

Andreas Lanz will be visiting us 24th April 2018 in our PhD Seminar in Quantitative Marketing Research. The topic of his talk is Climb or Jump – Status-Based Seeding in User-Generated Content Networks.

Please have a look at the website for more information on the seminar.

Open position: Research Associate (PhD candidate) / Senior Researcher (Post Doc) (2018.03.07)

Hans Risselada

We are currently offering a PhD / Post Doc position at our chair. More information can be found in the job announcement (PDF, 131 KB).

New thesis topic - Working title: The Influence of Online reviews on Online Reputation in the Hospitality Industry. (2018.02.26)


Online reputation is the image of a company throughout the internet. One influencing factor are online-reviews, particularly the ones written on big global platforms and review-sites.

The goal is to find out which aspects of online reviews influence the online reputation, based on real data of restaurants and hotels from the DACH-region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland).

If you wish to find out more about the method and goal of the thesis and the company have a look here (PDF, 89 KB).

THE PIIK: 2nd Symposium on Network Science (2018.02.05)


On Tuesday 13th of March 2018, Prof. Dr. Claudio Tessone and the URPP Social Networks will host the second Swiss Symposium on Network Science in Zurich.

The goal of the symposium is to bring together the Swiss research groups that work on network-related research areas, in order to share ideas with a highly-competent audience, foster the creation of new research collaborations, and create a strong Swiss community around network science. For more information, please have a look at the website.

New article published in Nature Human Behaviour (2017.12.19)

Dr. Anne Scherer

We are pleased to announce that Sagiv, Lilach, Roccas Sonia, Cieciuch, Jan and Schwarz Shalom H. have a new article published in Nature Human Behaviour. More information about the article can be found here.

Marketing Group Zurich - YouTube Channel. (2017.12.12)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

We are pleased to announce that we now have a YouTube channel for Marketing Group Zurich. Feel free to check out the videos from our Gipfelblick discussion series with Herbert Bolliger from Migros.

Marketing Group Zurich: Joint Homepage for Marketing @ ETH & UZH launched. (2017.12.11)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

We are very happy to announce that our new website for the Marketing Group Zurich (ETH & UZH) is now live:

Enjoy reading through the interesting featured articles, have a look at our recent publications or gain an overview about our current projects.
Do not forget to like Marketing Group Zurich on Facebook, to follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn and to subscribe to the newsletter on our website.

21 November is Digital Day: "UZH Talk" with Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer. (2017.11.15)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

The traces we leave on our computers or mobile phones are long-lived. We have to be aware that the data collected could be combined and misused, explains Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer in the series "UZH Talks"(Talk is in German).

New article published in American Physical Society. (2017.11.14)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

A new article "Hierarchical benchmark graphs for testing community detection algorithms" by Zhao Yang has been published online.  To find out more about the article, please have a look at the abstract here.

New article published in Applied Network Science. (2017.11.02)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

Recently a new article written by Lukas Schoenenberger and Radu Tanase has been accepted in the Journal of Simulation. It is entitled "Controlling complex policy problems: A multimethodological approach using system dynamics and network controllability" To find out more about the article please have a look here.

New article published in Applied Network Science. (2017.10.30)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

Applied Network Science recently accepted the article "Analysing the sensitivity of nestedness detection methods“ by Alexander Grimm and Claudio J. Tessone from the URPP Social Networks at the University of Zurich.

More information and the abstract can be found here

Appointment of Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer as Assistant Professor by the University Council (2017.10.03)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing


We congratulate Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer on her appointment as Assistant Professor by the University Council and wish her good luck and all the best!

The PIIK – “Gipfelblick”: round table with Swiss leadership personalities (2017.10.03)

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing


We cordially invite you to our talk with Herbert Bolliger, CEO of Migros. Herbert Bolliger speaks about his professional experience and answers questions from René Algesheimer, Director of the URPP Social Networks and Professor of Marketing.

How does digitalization change retailing? Which values and visions influence decisions in day-to-day business? How do global Internet monopolists such as Amazon, Google and Facebook influence the local economy of Switzerland?

Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 18.30 - 20.00
University of Zurich, Rämistrasse bei 71: Lecture Hall KOH-B-10

Welcoming speech by Rector Michael Hengartner.
Following the conversation, the audience is also invited to ask questions

We are looking forward to a stimulating discussion!

Job Announcement for PhD Position at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. (2017.10.03)



The Chair for Marketing and Market Research offers a new PhD position starting December 1st 2017 or by agreement. For a more detailed description of the PhD position, please have a look at the job announcement. (PDF, 130 KB)

New article published in Nature Human Behaviour

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing


Lilach Sagiv, Sonia Roccas, Jan Cieciuch and Shalom H. Schwarz published a new article:

"Personal values in human life" was published in Nature Human Behaviour.

For more information, please have a look at the abstract.

THE PIIK: Gipfelblick

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing


October 31 we start a new session of discussion rounds called "Gipfelblick". Prof Dr. René Algeshmeimer and Herbert Bolliger, CEO at Migros discuss about new challenges emerging from more socially interacting customers, dynamically changing environments, and consequently an increasing amount and availability of data.

The round-table is held in German and open to everyone!

Location: KOH B 10
Time: 18:30

Forthcoming publication in Journal of retailing

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing


The URPP has a new publication that will be forthcoming in the Journal of retailing.(IF=3.7) The paper's title is: "When Ethical Transgressions of Customers Have Beneficial Long-term Effects in Retailing: An Empirical Investigation" and is authored by:

For more information, please have a look at the abstract.

New article published in Nature Human Behaviour

Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing


Lilach Sagiv, Sonia Roccas, Jan Cieciuch and Shalom H. Schwarz published a new article:

"Personal values in human life" was published in Nature Human Behaviour.

For more information, please have a look at the abstract.

Fall 2017 - Lecture: Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

 Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing

This Fall Semester the lecture Personal Branding & Social Media Marketing will be given by Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer and Radu Tanase. In this course the focus lays on personal branding through internet and social media tools. For more information, have a look at the trailer (PPSX, 69 MB) and the website.

Presentations of paper: EMAC, May 23-26, 2017, Groningen, Netherlands

 INFORMS Conference

At the 2017 EMAC conference in Groningen the following paper of URPP Social Networks member has been presented:

  • Jeroen Van Den Ochtend; Markus Meierer; René Algesheimer (2017). Social Influence On Cross-Buying: The Importance Of Private And Social Information

Further details:EMAC

Presentations of papers: 2017 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 7-10, 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA

 INFORMS Conference

At the 2017 INFORMS conference in Los Angeles, the following papers of URPP Social Networks members have been presented:

  • Loewenberg, M., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2017, June). Zooming in on the International Takeoff of New Products.
  • Bachmann, P., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2017 June). Instant Customer Base Analysis: Re-assessing the Performance of Managerial Heuristics

Further Details:2017 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference


Research visit Jian Hong Lin

SMR Logo

We would like to welcome Jian Hong to the URPP Social Networks Team. Jian Hong, who is a PhD student at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology will be in our team for some years to further focus on temporal network, centrality measures and spreading dynamics. We are looking forward to working with you!


Forthcoming publication in SMR

SMR Logo

The URPP has a new publication that will be forthcoming in "Sociological Methods and Research" (SMR), a well established and renowned journal with an impact factor of 2.205 (2015). The paper is about "Testing for Approximate Measurement Invariance of Human Values in the European Social Survey”. Its authors have many affiliations with the URPP Social Networks


The PIIK: First Symposium on Network Science upcoming


On Wednesday 23rd of November, Prof. Dr. Claudio Tessone and the URPP Social Networks will host the PIIK: First Symposium on Network Science in Zurich. Many guest speakers have already confirmed their participation including:

  • Prof. Dr. Tiago de Paula Peixoto (University of Bath)
  • Prof. Dr. Jordi Bascompte (University of Zurich)
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Neri (University of St Gallen)
  • Dr. Paola Zappa (University of Lugano)
  • Dr. Matúš Medo (University of Freiburg)
  • Dr. David Schoch (University of Konstanz)

To learn more about the event, please visit the profile on the Network Science website.


Alexander Grimm joins our team at the URPP Social Networks

Alexander Grimm

We are happy to announce that Alexander Grimm recently joined our team at the URPP on Social Networks as a PhD Candidate. Alexander develops new frameworks and methods for network analytics for both theoretical graphs and real-world networks.
We are very much looking forward to working with you!

To learn more about Alexander Grimm, please visit his profile on the URPP website.


Upcoming research seminar on Advanced Social Network Analysis.

Advanced Social Network Analysis

Starting 31st of October until 4th of November 2016, Thomas Grund from the University College Dublin is going to visit us at the URPP. During his research visit, he is offering a PhD seminar on "Advanced Social Network Analysis".

For more information on the PhD seminar, please visit the course profile on the URPP website.


Radu Tanase participates in the 2016 Conference on Complex Systems.

Radu Tanase


Starting 19th of September 2016 at the the 2016 Conference on Complex Systems in Amsterdam, a poster on "Controlling complex policy problems: a multimethodological approach using system dynamics and network controllability" will be introduced. It is a collaboration of Radu Tanase from the URPP Social Networks of the University of Zurich with Lukas Schoenenberger and Andrea Schenker-Wicki from the University of Basel.


Job Announcement for PhD- and Postdoc Positions at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research.

URPP Social Networks Logo


The Chair for Marketing and Market Research offers new PhD- and Postdoc positions starting January 1st 2017 or by agreement.

For a more detailed description of the PhD- and Postdoc positions, please have a look at the


Upcoming Guest Lecture by Guido Caldarelli in fall 2016

Management of Complex Systems

Guido Caldarelli, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the IMT School of Advanced Studies in Lucca is visiting us at the Chair for Network Science and the URPP Social Networks in the upcoming fall semester. During his visit, he will give a guest lecture on the Management of Complex Systems.

For more information on the seminar and its sessions, please have a look at the course profile and download the Syllabus (PDF, 154 KB)


Continued membership of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marketing for René Algesheimer

Journal of Marketing


V. Kumar, the chief editor of the Journal of Marketing, invited René Algesheimer to proceed his activity as member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Marketing, the most prestigious journal in our field.


Accepted Publication in Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports recently accepted the article "A Comparative Analysis of Community Detection Algorithms on Artificial Networks“ by Zhao Yang, René Algesheimer and Claudio Tessone from the URPP Social Networks at the University of Zurich.


Internet and Social Media Marketing

Logo Internet and Social Media Marketing

The Kick-Off for our course "Internet and Social Media Marketing takes place on Tuesday, September 13th

For more information on the seminar and its sessions, please have a look at the course profile and download the Syllabus (PDF, 171 KB)


The Piik Media Release

PIIK group picture

During a three-day workshop in Lenzerheide in May 2016, the University of Zurich’s Research Priority Program (URPP) on Social Networks brought together 15 international scientists and 18 industry leaders of five Swiss organizations. The Piik was founded as a solution tank to empower industry leaders to master the digital transformation. The key objective of this workshop was to develop potential solutions to problems faced by organizations in the context of the digital transformation.

For more information on the seminar and its proceedings, please have a look at The Piik Media Release (PDF, 528 KB)


Utpal M. Dholakia is visiting the URPP Social Networks.

Utpal Dholakia

On Monday, June 27th to Friday, July 1st 2016, Utpal M. Dholakia will join us for a research visit. Utpal M. Dholakia is a George R. Brown Professor of Marketing at Rice University. We are looking forward to welcome Utpal at the URPP Social Networks.

For more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the Rice University website.


Calin Gurau is visiting us at the URPP Social Networks.

Calin Gurau

With great pleasure we would like to announce the research visit of Calin Gurau, Associate Professor of Marketing at the Montpellier Business School from Monday, June 6th to Friday, June 10th 2016. We are looking forward to welcome Calin at the URPP Social Networks.

For more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the Montpellier Business School website.


Pradeep D. Chintagunta is visiting the University of Zurich.

Pradeep D. Chintagunta

On Tuesday, April 12th 2016, Pradeep D. Chintagunta will visit the University of Zurich. Pradeep D. Chintagunta is a Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing at the Booth School of Business of the University of Chicago. He will give a presentation on "Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Self-Relevant Non-Informative Advertising Content" in the "Applied Microeconomics Seminar".

For more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the Chicago Booth website.


Mitchell J. Lovett is going to visit the University of Zurich.

Mitchell J. Lovett

It is our great pleasure to announce the visit of Mitchell J. Lovett, Associate Professor of Marketing at the Simon Business School of the University of Rochester. On Tuesday, May 24th 2016, he will give a presentation on "Private Labels and Retailer Profitability: Bilateral Bargaining in the Grocery Channel". For more information on his presentation, please find the "Applied Microeconomics Seminar" series.

For more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the Simon Business School website.


URPP offers new student assistant position.

URPP Social Networks Logo


The University Research Priority Program on Social Networks offers a new student assistant position starting July 1st 2016.

For a more detailed description of the project and the student assistant positon, please have a look at the


Jan Cieciuch received award of best paper with international implications in 2016.

The Committee of the Award for Papers with Outstanding International Implications of the Academy of Management recognized Jan Cieciuch and his co-authors with the award for the best paper with international implications in 2016.

The theme and content of their paper on the "Cultural Uncertainty as Moderator of the Organizational Formalization Puzzle" was recognized as the best reflection of the awareness of business and management across national boundaries.


Presentations of papers: Network Science (NetSci) conference in Seoul


At this year's NetSci conference in Seoul/South Korea, the following papers of URPP Social Networks members have been accepted:

  • Yang, Z., Algesheimer, R., Tessone, C. (2016 June). A Comparative Analysis of Community Detection Algorithms on Artificial Networks, Network Science 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Tanase, R., Tessone, J.C., Algesheimer, R. (2016, June). The Influence Potential. A New Approach To Identify Influential Individuals From Time-Varying Social Interactions, Network Science 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
Further details: Network Science Conference 2016

Presentations of papers: European Marketing Academy's (EMAC) annual conference in Oslo

At this year's EMAC annual conference in Oslo/Norway, the following papers of URPP Social Networks members have been accepted:

  • Loewenberg, M., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, May). The Dynamic Effects of Relational and Transactional Marketing Efforts on Salesperson Performance.
  • van den Ochtend, J., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, May). Product Adoption Within the Existing Customer Base: The Importance of Private and Social Signals.
  • Kotowski, W., Schäfer, M., Algesheimer, R; Kozinets, R. V. (2016, May), Dissolving Consumer Communities.

Further details: European Marketing Academy Conference 2016

Presentation of paper: Consumer Culture Theory Conference in Lille


At the 2016 Consumer Culture Theory Conference in Lille, France, the following paper of a URPP Social Networks member has been accepted:

Kotowski, W., Schäfer, M., Algesheimer, R; Kozinets, R. V.  (2016, July), Dissolving Consumer Communities. 

Further details: 2016 Consumer Culture Theory Conference

Presentation of paper: 13th Marketing Dynamics Conference in Hamburg


At the 13th Marketing Dynamics Conference 2016 in Hamburg, Germany, the following paper of a URPP Social Networks member has been accepted:

Akca, S., Rao, A. (2016, July). Value of Search Aggregators. 

Further details: 13th Marketing Dynamics Conference 2016

Presentation of paper: 36th Sunbelt Conference of the INSNA in Newport Beach, CA


At the 36th Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) in Newport Beach, California, the following paper of a URPP Social Networks member has been accepted:

Camacho Guardian A., Tessone C.J., Algesheimer R. (2016, April). The Effects The Number of Agents Has in The Formation of Networks and Statistical Analysis On Multiple Networks.

Further details: 36th Sunbelt Conference 2016

René Algesheimer talks about URPP Social Networks at UZH cadre conference

René Algesheimer

On March 29th, the Secretary General ("Generalsekretariat") of the University of Zurich invites all its members and permanent guests to the cadre conference. During this closed event, René Algesheimer will give a talk on the URPP Social Networks. 

For more information on the URPP Social Networks, please have a look at our website.

Upcoming mini-conference on structural equation modeling in Zurich

Humans of UZH

Starting April 6th to April 8th, Eldad Davidov, Céline Valerie Gloor, Stefanie Kernich and Daniel Seddig from the Department of Sociology of the University of Zurich are organizing a mini-conference on structural equation modeling. The conference is featuring many renowned speakers from various academic insititutions.

For more information on the mini-conference, please have a look at its web-profile on the website of the Department of Sociology.

Sebastiano Alessio Delre joins the URPP Social Networks


We are happy to announce that Sebastiano Alessio Delre joins the URPP Social Networks. We would like to welcome him in our team and are very much looking forward to working with him.

To learn more about Sebastiano Alessio Delre, please visit his profile on the URPP website.

IJRM conditionally accepts article by Sebastiano Alessio Delre


The International Journal of Research in Marketing conditionally accepted the paper "Invest in Advertising or in Quality? Using an Agent-based Model to Test Budget Strategies in the Motion Picture Industry" by Sebastiano Alessio Delre at the URPP Social Networks of the University of Zurich, Claudio Panico at Bocconi University and Berend Wierenga at the Rotterdam School of Management.

Successful completion of our "Marketing Analytics I" block lecture

MAI Group Picture

We have just successfully completed our "Marketing Analytics I" block lecture and wish all our students a great start into the spring semester!

Barak Libai visits the URPP on Social Networks

Humans of UZH

From Monday, February 8th to Thursday, February 11th 2016, Barak Libai will visit us at the University of Zurich. He is a renowned scholar and seniour lecturer at the IDC Herzlya. To find more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the IDC website.

New issue of Oec. on "Crime Scene - Economy and Society under investigation".

Oec News Tatort

In the new issue of Oec. Prof. Algesheimer talks about research on fraudulent behavior in the context of internet marketing. In his interview with Stefan Flückiger, a Swiss actor known through his role as CSI in the TV production „Tatort“, Prof. Algesheimer emphasizes, that it’s not enough to have Big Data, we must also ask „Big Questions“, make „Big Decisions“ and have „Big Morality“.

To access the new Oec. issue, please follow this Link.

Humans of UZH

Humans of UZH

Within our seminar „Internet and Social Media Marketing“ student groups have to develop their own website and advertise it using recent marketing techniques. One of our student’s groups are portraying individuals at the University of Zurich and have created more than 1’000 followers within 2 weeks. Congratulations!

For more information, please read the newspaper article on their project. 

New Assistant Professorship position (non-tenure track) offered by the URPP

Starting January 1st 2016 or by arrangement the Research Priority Program (URPP) on Social Networks offers a new position as Assistant Professor of Quantitative Marketing (non-tenure track).
For a more detailed description of the Assistant Professorship position, please see the

New article forthcoming in European Political Science.

Jan Cieiuch, Eldad Davidov, Daniel L. Oberski and René Algesheimer are going to publish a new article:

"Testing for Measurement Invariance by Detecting Local Misspecification and an Illustration on Value Measurements" which is forthcoming in the "European Political Science" Journal.

New article forthcoming in Sociological Methods and Research.

René Algesheimer, Richard Bagozzi and Utpal Dholakia are going to publish a new article:

"Key Informant Models for Measuring Group-Level Variables in Small Groups"
The article is forthcoming in the Journal "Sociological Methods and Research".

New student assistant positions offered by the URPP

Starting October 1st 2016 or by arrangement the Research Priority Program (URPP) on Social Networks offers several new student assistant positions as part of the project: "How schools are shaping values".
For a more detailed description of the project and the student assistant positon, please see

René Algesheimer presents at the Scientifica 2015

On Sunday, September 6th 2015, René Algesheimer will give a presentation about tracking digital footprints at the Scientifica 2015, The presentation will take place from 13:00 to 14:00.
For more information on the Scientifica 2015 and René Algesheimer's presentation, please see the event's web-profile.

New issue of the UZH magazine.

The new issue of the UZH magazine introduces several emerging phenomena including people "sharing vacation experiences". As a combination of two of our research projects, the URPP provides a nice feature for the UZH magazine including an interview with Wolfgang Kotowski as one of the project's co-authors.

You can read the feature in the current UZH magazine issue and access further details on our research projects:

"Inter- and intragenerational transformation of consumer practices" (PDF, 57 KB)

Upcoming International Conference on Computational Social Science in Helsinki.

The International Conference on Computational Social Science 2015 will take place from Monday, June 8th to Thursday, June 11th in Helsinki. Two of our projects have been accepted and will be presented at the conference.
For more information, please visit the conference website.

Upcoming Marketing Science Conference Baltimore.

Starting Thursday, June 18th until Saturday, June 20th 2015, the 37th ISMS Marketing Science Conference will take place in Baltimore. One of our projects has been accepted and will be presented at the conference.
For more information, please visit the conference website.

Research visit of Daniel Shapira.

From Monday, October 19th to Thursday, October 22nd 2015, Daniel Shapira will visit us at the University of Zurich. He is a renowned scholar and seniour lecturer at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. During his stay, Daniel Shapira will give a research talk at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. To find more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the Ben Gurion University website.

Upcoming PhD seminar with Peter Ebbes.

From Monday, April 27th to Thursday, April 30th 2015, Peter Ebbes will visit the University of Zurich. He is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the "École des Haute Études Commerciales de Paris" (HEC Paris). During his stay, Peter Ebbes will give a PhD seminar on "Advanced Empirical Methods in Marketing". For more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the HEC Paris website.

To find more details about the PhD seminar, please visit the course profile.

Peter Pal Zubcsek visits the University of Zurich.

On Monday, May 4th and Tuesday, May 5th 2015, Peter Pal Zubcsek will visit the University of Zurich. He is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Warrington College of Business Administration at the University of Florida. During his stay, Peter Pal Zubcsek will present his paper on "Homophily and Influence" at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. For more information on our guest, please visit his profile on the University of Florida website.

Further details: (PDF, 872 KB)

Anita Rao is visiting the University of Zurich.

On Tuesday, April 21st 2015, Anita Rao will visit the University of Zurich. Anita Rao is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Booth School of Business of the University of Chicago. She will give a presentation in the "Applied Microeconomics Seminar".

For more information on our guest, please visit her profile on the Chicago Booth website.

Tülin Erdem is going to visit the University of Zurich.

It is our great pleasure to announce the visit of Tülin Erdem, Professor of Business Administration and Marketing at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business of the New York University (NYU Stern). On Tuesday, March 31st 2015, she will give a presentation on "Consumer Learning and Evolution of Consumer Brand Preferences". For more information, please find the "Applied Microeconomics Seminar" series.

Further details: (PDF, 329 KB)

New issue of Oec. on "Big Data".

The new issue of Oec. tracks the phenomenon of "Big Data". In this publication, the URPP on Social Networks figures prominently, featuring interviews with René Algesheimer and Abraham Bernstein.

If you are interested in this topic, please follow this Link to access the current Oec. issue.

The international takeoff of new products.

Margot Löwenberg investigates the success of new products across multiple countries. She analyzed the market entry strategies of 428 internet providers in 81 countries. Please visit theproject web profile for a detailed description. Her research project was supported by the "Forschungskredit" of the University of Zurich.

For more information on the project, please access theUZH news report.

Jan Cieiuch received award of best psychological book in Poland in 2013.

The Polish General Prize Committee awarded Jan Cieiuch with the prize for the general best psychological book in Poland in 2013. His book "Kształtowanie się systemu wartości od dzieciństwa do wczesnej dorosłości" investigates the development of value systems in early adolescence.

For more information on the general prize ceremony, please access thereport.

New article forthcoming in Public Opinion Quarterly.

Jan Cieiuch, Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt, Bart Meuleman and René Algesheimer are going to publish a new article:

"The Comparability of Measurements of Attitudes Toward Immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact Versus Approximate Measurement Equivalence" is forthcoming in the Journal "Public Opinion Quarterly".

New article published in Frontiers in Psychology.

Jan Cieiuch, Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt, René Algesheimer and Shalom H. Schwartz published a new article:

"Comparing results of an exact vs. an approximate (Bayesian) measurement invariance test: a cross-country illustration with a scale to measure 19 human values" was published in the Journal "Frontiers of Psychology".

For more information, please access the article.

We introduce block seminar format for our "Market Research - Multivariate Methods" course in September 2014.

For the first time, we offer our class „Market Research: Multivariate Methods“ in a summer school block format. With this approach we would like to react to student’s need of having a compressed method class in a two weeks format. The class will start on September 1st and will end on September 12th. It is accompanied by practical exercises, workshops and group-work and as such completely re-designed.

For more information, please visit our webpage.

If you are interested to participate, please don’t forget to officially book the course in the "Buchungstool".

Starting 2015 the faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology offers Assistant Professorship position in Network Science.

Starting 2015 the faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Network Science which will be associated with the University Research Priority Program (URPP) on "Social Networks". The position has a specific focus on business networks. The closing date for applications is July, 31st, 2014.

Further details:

URPP team attends the NetSci Conference 2014 in Berkeley

From Monday June 2nd until Friday June 6th, the URPP team will attend the NetSci International School and Conference on Network Science hosted by the University of California in Berkeley San Francisco. We are looking forward to interesting keynotes, interactive satellite meetings and lightning talks as well as engaged discussions with our peer scholars in the field of Network Science.

URPP team attends the Informs Conferences 2014 in Atlanta

Starting Wednesday June 11th until Saturday June 14th, the URPP team will attend the Marketing Science Conference 2014 hosted by the Goizueta Business School in Atlanta. We are looking forward to interesting presentations and discussions with upcoming as well as renowned scholars in the field of Marketing Science.

"Introduction to Data Driven Marketing" course successfully completed

We have just successfully completed our "Introduction to Data Driven Marketing" course and wish all of our students good luck with their remaining exams and a great summer.

René Algesheimer has been invited to join the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Marketing

René Algesheimer has again been invited to join the Editorial Review Board (ERB) of the Journal of Marketing. Congratulations to this honorable appointment.

Additional information: Journal of Marketing

Semester Project: Benchmarking – Moving from free to fee in B2B

Starting as soon as possible, the department of Management, Technology and Economics of the ETH in Zurich offers a semester project in cooperation with HILTI. If you are enrolled in the ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich and feel enthusiastic about business opportunities as well as Marketing Research, this project might be very interesting for you.

For detailed information, please see (PDF, 122 KB)

New Master Thesis topic: "Customer Value Perception of Services"

Starting as soon as possible, the department of Management, Technology and Economics of the ETH in Zurich offers a new Master Thesis topic "Customer Value Perception of Services" in cooperation with HILTI. If you are enrolled in the ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich and feel enthusiastic about service technologies as well as Marketing Research, this Master Thesis might be very interesting for you.

For detailed information, please see (PDF, 121 KB)

Big Data Workshop

Recently, the URPP on "Social Networks" organized a workshop on Big Data. We would like to thank our guests and all the participants for their valuable contributions to make this a very interesting and successful workshop.

The URPP launched its newsletter service

The URPP on "Social Networks" launched its newsletter service through which we can continuously inform you about events, publications, workshops and important guests. If you are interested in this service you can subscribe to our newsletter on the URPP website.

PhD seminar in Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Models starting on May 5th

Starting Monday, May 5th until Wednesday, May 7th, the URPP on "Social Networks" invites Prof. Skyler J. Cranmer to join our Chair. During his stay in Zurich, he will present a PhD seminar in Inferential Network Analysis. This course will cover inferential models; primarily exponential random graph models and stochastic actor-based models.

Social Media Management - Research presentation and discussion

On Thursday, April 3rd, starting 6pm the URPP welcomes you to our research presentation and discussion on Social Media Management. Prof. Algesheimer will present the keynote "Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media Management". This presentation is based on an empirical study investigating Social Media Management in the largest companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in collaboration with Lithium Technologies, SAP, coUNDco, Netconomy und Etecture. After the keynote, we invited a panel discussing Social Media Management.

Research visit Prof. Jacob Goldenberg

On April 28th, Prof. Jacob Goldenberg from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliyain Israel will be invited by the URPP on "Social Networks" to join us at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research for his research visit at the University of Zurich.

During his research visit, Prof. Jacob Goldenberg will be involved in discussions about our current research projects in the URPP on "Social Networks“. We welcome him to our Chair and we are looking forward to interesting discussions.

Research visit Prof. David Mazursky

The URPP on „Social Networks“ invites Prof. David Mazursky from the Jerusalem School of Business Administrationat the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel to join us at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research for his research visit at the University of Zurich on April 28th.

Together with the team of the URPP on "Social Networks", Prof. David Mazursky will discuss current research projects we are currently working on. We are looking forward to interesting discussions and we welcome him to our Chair.

Introduction to Data Driven Marketing spring 2014 lecture kick-off at 17.02.2014!

On February 17th we welcome you to our kick-off lecture of this spring semester course on "Introduction to Data Driven Marketing". In the first lecture we will present the objectives of the course to you and outline how you can contribute to the course. In the kick-off lecture, we will also form groups for assignments and answer your questions.

For further information concerning the lecture, please visit the course profile: Introduction to Data Driven Marketing

Marketing and Social Networks spring 2014 seminar kick-off at 11.02.2014!

On February 11th our Chair and the University Research Priority Program (URPP) on Social Networks is happy to welcome you to our kick-off session of this spring seminar on Marketing and Social Networks II. During the kick-off session we will discuss how you can contribute to the course and present the objectives of the seminar to you. Furthermore, we will form groups for assignments and outline the agenda until the start of the block sessions.

For further information concerning the seminar, please visit the course profile: Marketing and Social Networks II

Advanced Modeling Techniques spring 2014 seminar kick-off meeting at 17.02.2014!

On February 17th our Chair welcomes you to our kick-off session of our spring semester seminar on Advanced Modeling Techniques. In the kick-off session we will present the objectives and prerequisites of the seminar to you. Moreover, we will answer questions you may have about the course and discuss the agenda until the start of the block sessions.

For further information concerning the seminar and the application process, please visit the seminar profile: Advanced Modeling Techniques

For further information concerning the schedule and dates of the course, please find this course in the Vorlesungsverzeichnis of the University of Zurich

Presentation Design Kick-off HS2014 on May 5th: Save the date!

On May 5th we will welcome you to our kick-off session of this year’s seminar on Presentation Design. We will present the objectives of the seminar and insights of former semesters to you. Furthermore, we’ll answer your questions, form the initial groups and discuss what will be done till the start of the block sessions.

For further information concerning the seminar, please visit its profile: Presentation Design Seminar

New postdoctoral research positions offered by the URPP

Starting April 1st 2014 or by arrangement the University of Zurich Research Priority Program (URPP) on Social Networks offers two postdoctoral research positions.
For a more detailed description of the postdoctoral research position, please see

Research visit Prof. Sebastiano Alessio Delre

Prof. Sebastiano Alessio Delre from the Bocconi University in Milan will join us at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research for his research visit in February.

Prof. Sebastiano Alessio Delre will discuss research projects we are currently working on in the URPP on „Social Networks“ during his stay in Zurich. We are looking forward to interesting discussions with him and welcome him to our Chair.

Research visit Prof. Santo Fortunato

The URPP on „Social Networks“ invites Prof. Santo Fortunato from Aalto University School of Science for a research visit at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research in January and February.

Prof. Santo Fortunato will offer a PhD Seminar. Please visit our homepage for more information on the Seminar on Business Analytics & Big Data

We welcome him to our Chair and are looking forward to interesting discussions.

Our PhD Seminar on Business Analytics and Big Data is coming up

Starting 21st of January our Chair is hosting the PhD Seminar "Business Analytics & Big Data" taught by Professor Santo Fortunato from Aalto University School of Science, as well as Prof. Dr. Abraham Bernstein, Prof. Dr. Daning Hu, Prof. Dr. Karl Schmedders and Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer from the University of Zurich.

More information can be found in our curriculum.

Student Assistant - Job Offer Announcement

From February 1st onwards, we offer a position as Student Assistant.

For detailed information, please see (PDF, 168 KB)

Our PhD Seminar with Prof. Santo Fortunato is starting soon

The PhD Seminar "Network Dynamics" taught by Professor Santo Fortunato from Aalto University School of Science, is starting next month from 25th until 29th of November. We are very much looking forward to working with him.

More information can be found on our course website.

Welcome to the fall semester 2013

We are offering courses on multivariate methods, social customer relationship management, marketing and networks, presentation design, and PhD courses on quantitative market research and big data this fall. Join us. See you in the classroom!

More information can be found on our curriculum website.

Starting 2014 the faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology offers multiple Assistant Professorship positions.

Starting 2014 the faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology offers three non-tenure track positions which will be associated with the newly created "Social Networks" University Research Priority Program (URPP). Two positions have a specific focus on Quantitative Marketing. For the third position the faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology is looking for applicants in the field of Marketing Management.
Further details: t.Jobs

René Algesheimer participates on the Social Executive's Lounge

René Algesheimer will participate on the Social Executive's Lounge on June 13th in the Lotus White. The topic of the panel discussion is "Data is the oil of the 21st century".

We welcome Prof. Santo Fortunato at the University of Zurich

Professor Santo Fortunato, an internationally highly respected scholar in Network Science from Aalto University, is going to visit us in November to give a PhD seminar. We are very much looking forward to meet him.

More information can be found on his website and soon on our webpage.

Starting September 2013, Patrick Bachmann joins our team at the Chair for Marketing and Marketing Research

We welcome Patrick Bachmann to our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. In the current semester, he will finish his master degree in Business Administration at the University of Zurich with a master thesis on Network Lifetime Value. He looks forward to continue his research in the field of Customer Relationship Management and Network Lifetime Value and to take on teaching responsibilities in the field of Social Customer Relationship Management in the University Research Priority Program.

Patrick, we look forward to working together with you and welcome you to our team!

Further details: t.Current

Raluca Gui joins our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research

We would like to welcome Raluca Gui to our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. Before she came to Zurich, she worked as a PhD at the University of Madrid with a research focus on Consumer Behavior on online auction platforms. She is looking forward to working on interesting research projects in the field of Social Media, Online Communities and Brand Valuation and to take on teaching responsibilities in the field of Quantitative Marketing Research at the Chair for Marketing and Marketing Research.

Raluca, we are glad to welcome you to our team and look forward to working together with you!

Further details: t.Current

Abel Camacho Guardian joins our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research

We would like to welcome Abel Camacho Guardian to our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. Before he started his PhD at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research, he studied Economics at the University of St.Gallen after having finished his Master degree in Mathematics at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich with a thesis on Abstract Optimization Problems and Combinatorial Abstractions. He is looking forward to working on interesting research projects in the field of Network Theory, Game Theory and Decision Theory and to take on teaching responsibilities in the field of Social Networks in the University Research Priority Program.

Abel, we are glad to welcome you to our team and look forward to working together with you!

Further details: t.Current

Informal URPP Kick-off event

On Thursday, April 11th at 5 pm we hosted the informal kick-off event at the department of informatics on the 2nd floor (room BIN 2.A.01) at Binzmühlestrasse 14 in Oerlikon.

For more information, please follow this link to the website of the URPP Social Networks:
URPP Social Networks.

URPP Website launch

Our new website of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) on "Social Networks" has been launched. You can find information about our mission and visions as well as interesting news about our current research projects in the field of social networks. Furthermore, you can find information about the structure and organization as well as links to the people involved in the URPP.

Please follow this link to the website of the URPP on Social Networks:
URPP Social Networks.

Days of Creativity

We are happy to welcome a new and exciting group of business partners to our seminar Idea Design in 2013. With Starbucks Switzerland we can develop refreshing new ideas for coffee houses. The Zürich-based Fashion Label LeTom asks us how to weave the social net to its customers. Ypro and FreshUp are Swiss service providers that offer new insights and ideas into the presentation of service products. And with Mondaine, we can be on time for brand new products.

This collection of fascinating business partners offers industry insights to our students and enables them to apply innovative creativity techniques in a challenging context. We are so excited about three intensive days!

For further information concerning the seminar, please visit its profile: Link.

New offices of the Chair for Marketing and Market Research

We have successfully moved to our new offices at the Andreasstrasse 15, 4th floor. See you there!

Starting January 2013, Zhao Yang joins our team in the University Research Priority Program

We welcome Zhao Yang to our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research in the University Research Priority Program. In the previous semester, he finished his master degree in Physics at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with a master thesis on complex network community detection. He looks forward to do research in the field of Online Communities and Social Networks and to take on teaching responsibilities in the field of Quantitative Marketing Research.

Zhao, we look forward to working together with you and welcome you to our team!

Radu Tanase joins our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research

We would like to welcome Radu Tanase to our team at the Chair for Marketing and Market Research. In the previous semester, he finished his Master degree in Statistics at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich with a thesis on Causal Interence. He is looking forward to working on interesting research projects in the field of Online Communities and Social Networks and to take on teaching responsibilities in the field of Quantitative Marketing Research.

Radu, we are glad to welcome you to our team and look forward to working togehter with you!

Further details: t.Current

Market Research Party 2012: new place!!!

For our Students, Alumni and the team, we will celebrate the Market Research Party on November 30th. This is always a great opportunity to meet each other in a relaxed atmosphere. So, if you are one of these three groups, feel free to come.

Date: November 30th, 7pm
NEW PLACE: Bowling Center Master, Glattalstr. 40, ZH

We welcome Dr. Sebastiano Alessio Delre at the University of Zurich

For our upcoming research seminar, René Algesheimer invited Dr. Sebastiano Alessio Delre to present the paper "Modeling Shared Consumption Experience for Entertainment Goods: The Case of the Motion Picture Market". Dr. Sebastiano Alessio Delre is an Assistent Professor for Marketing at the Bocconi Business School. The paper he will present, disentagles the impact of pre-release advertising on opening and post-launch sales of entertainment products and shows that Shared Consumption Experience and the importance attached to this social influence moderates this relationship.

Course outline and material for Ph.D.-Seminar: "Analysing social network dynamics & peer effects"

The Ph.D.-Seminar: "Analysing social network dynamics & peer effects" is coming up next week (01/10/2012 to 05/10/2012). This week‐long course addresses the statistical analysis of social network data, with a focus on network change processes (selection and de-selection of peers) and processes of social influence (selected peers affecting individual behaviour and attitudes). To access the course outline and material, please use the following link.

Further details: e.Guest Lecture Series

PhD candidate/Postdoc positions from January 2013 for "Social Networks" research priority program

From January 2013 we offer multiple PhD candidate/Postdoc positions. The recruited applicants will be involved in the newly created "Social Networks" research priority program. In these projects, we focus on quantitative empirical market research in the area of marketing and consumer behavior. Our core research topic is the connected customer (online communities, social networks, social groups).

Further details: t.Jobs.

René Algesheimer received "Outstanding Reviewer Award 2012"

René Algesheimer received the "Outstanding Reviewer Award 2012" by the Journal of Marketing. Congratulations!

Contact: René Algesheimer

Additional information: Journal of Marketing

Dr. Sebastiano Alessio Delre presents paper on shared consumption experience in UZH Business Research Seminar on October 30th, 12pm 

For our upcoming research seminar, René Algesheimer invited Dr. Sebastiano Alessio Delre to present the paper "Modeling Shared Consumption Experience for Entertainment Goods: The Case of the Motion Picture Market". Dr. Sebastiano Alessio Delre is an Assistent Professor for Marketing at the Bocconi Business School. The paper he will present, disentagles the impact of pre-release advertising on opening and post-launch sales of entertainment products and shows that Shared Consumption Experience and the importance attached to this social influence moderates this relationship.

René Algesheimer presents the new research priority program

In an interview with Volker Nietzel, managing director of the Department of Business Administration, René Algesheimer illustrates the relevance of the new research priority program on social networks. Furthermore, he outlines the key foci of the forthcoming research: understanding the relationship between social structures and economic behavior.

Access the video: Link.

"Social Networks" was selected as one of the eight new research priority programs at UZH

We are very happy to communicate that our project on "Social Networks" has been selected by the University of Zurich as one of the eight new Research Priority Programs starting in 2013. This is a great honor and we would like to thank our university, our faculty and our institute for their faith in our group. We are looking forward towards an exciting time of new discoveries, new classes and new collaborations. Stay tuned!

Further details: University Research Priority Program.

University of Zurich
Department of Business Administration
Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer
Plattenstr. 14, PLM 419
CH-8032 Zürich,
Phone: +41 44 634 2918
Fax: +41 44 634 2940

Preliminary Results: Quantitative Market Research II Spring Semester 2012

The results for the course: Quantitative Market Research II Spring Semester 2012 are online. Please keep in mind that all results are preliminary up until they are officially approved by the Dekanat. You’ll have the possibility to look into your exam on Tuesday July 3rd, 2012, 10:15-12:00 at PLM 417. Please ask for an appointment before Monday, July 2nd by sending an e-Mail to

The preliminary results can be found on the infoboard on OLAT.

Papers to be presented at the INFORMS Marketing Science annual conference at Boston

At this year's INFORMS Marketing Science annual conference at Lisbon/Portugal, Xin-Yu Zhou is going to present a paper titled "New product introduction and cannibalization for multi-brand companies" and Margot Löwenberg will present a paper titled "The Influence Of Competition On The International Takeoff Of New Services". Good luck to both of them next week!

Further details: 34th ISMS Marketing Science Conference

Welcome to UZH: Prof. Gerard J. Tellis (USC)

Prof. Tellis is Professor of Marketing, Management, and Organization, Neely Chair of American Enterprise, and Director of the Center for Global Innovation, at the USC Marshall School of Business. Tellis specializes in the areas of innovation, advertising, global strategy, market entry, new product growth, promotion, and pricing. He has published over 100 articles and 4 books, which have won over 20 awards, including four of the most prestigious in Marketing. He is going to give a doctoral course on Modeling Marketing Dynamics. Welcome Gerry!

Further details: e.Guest Lecture Series

Papers presented at the European Marketing Academy's (EMAC) annual conference at Lisbon

At this year's EMAC annual conference at Lisbon/Portugal, Margot Löwenberg presented a paper titled "The Influence Of Competition On The International Takeoff Of New Services" and Martin Kindschi presented another paper titled "The Influence of Firm's Strategic Stability on Employee Performance". Congratulations to the excellent talks!

Further details: EMAC 2012 and EMAC 2012 on Facebook

HS12: Ph.D.-Seminar: "Analysing social network dynamics & peer effects"

This week‐long course addresses the statistical analysis of social network data, with a focus on network change processes (selection and de-selection of peers) and processes of social influence (selected peers affecting individual behaviour and attitudes), following the stochastic actor-­based approach of Snijders & colleagues (Snijders, van de Bunt & Steglich, 2010; Steglich, Snijders & Pearson, 2010). Classes will mix methodological lectures and hands-­on computer work. Students participating in this course should develop problem awareness related to the analysis of non-­independent data, in particular complete network data collected in a longitudinal design. They should acquire knowledge about the prevalent statistical approaches and techniques to analyse complete network data, and develop the practical skills to perform these analyses with the pertinent software.

Further details: e.Guest Lecture Series

Announcement for a Bachelor or Master Thesis: "Customer motivation in the tourism industry - A comparison between the online and offline world"

Customer motivation is one of the key performance indicators within businesses and is used as an indicator of consumer purchase intentions as well as loyalty. Taking the tourism industry as an example, this thesis will analyze what motivates customers to buy and if there are differences between the traditional offline service and booking journeys online. This thesis will be done in close cooperation with an affiliate of TUI Germany, the largest tourism operator in Germany, including a 2-3 month internship in Hannover, Germany.

See the complete thesis announcement here

HS12: Lecture "Quantitative Market Research I" replaced by seminar "Marketing Tools & Techniques"

Due to Prof. Algesheimers sabbatical in the fall semester 2012 the course "Quantitative Market Research I" for BA students turns this fall semester into a seminar. The seminar is held by our senior research associate Dr. Markus Meierer, assisted by Margot Löwenberg and Martin Kindschi. The seminar is called "Marketing Tools & Techniques" and provides an introduction into quantitative market research methods by using Excel and SPSS 20. The topic will be the same as in the lecture QMRI, but the course is structured as a workshop. Instead of the final exam, students will have to do practical work and to provide a final documentation of the process. The seminar gives 6 ECTS credits. Read more...

Project "Project "Brand- and Product-Switching Behavior" will be financially supported by the SNF

The purpose of the proposed research project is to analyze the complex relationship between consumer demand and consumer switching behavior. Read more....

Markus Meierer won the VSMS (Verband Schweizer Markt- und Sozialforschung) Förderpreis 2011

Contact: Markus Meierer

Additional information: vsms Förderpreis










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University of Zurich
URPP Social Networks
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zurich

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