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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

Conference Presentations


  1. Mari, A., Mandelli, A., & Algesheimer, R. (2022, June). FoMO in Platform Ecosystems: How Emotions Affect Complementor’s Strategic Adoption Decisions. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference. SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy. 
  2. Mari, A., Mandelli, A., & Algesheimer, R. (2022, June). Balancing Breadth and Depth in Platform Adoption Strategy: Exploring Voice Assistant Ecosystems. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference. SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy. 
  3. Mari, A., Mandelli, A., & Algesheimer, R. (2022, May). Shopping With Voice Assistants: How Empathy Affects Decision-Making Outcomes. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Monterey Bay, California, US. 
  4. Mari, A., Mandelli, A., & Algesheimer, R. (2022, May). AI-Driven Platform Ecosystems: How Emotions Affect Strategic Adoption Decisions. 2nd Annual Artificial Intelligence in Management (AIM) Conference. Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California US (remote).
  5. Bublitz, A., & Scherer, A. (2022, May). The Overconfidence Bias on Social Media: How Non-diagnostic Cues for Knowledge Trigger a Miscalibration of News Knowledge. European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary.
  6. Merian, S., Bachmann, P., Meins, E., & Natter, M. (2022, May). Tell Me How to Drive Safer, but Not Now! - The Effect of Timely-Disconnected Feedback on Driving Behaviour. European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary.
  7. Wenzel, C., & Scherer, A. (2022, May). Sharing Data for Social Good: The Role of Construal Level Theory and Communication Strategies. European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary.
  8. Häusermann, S., Giuffresi-Kähr, A., Malär, L., & Khamitov, M. (2022, May). Why you keep purchasing from brands with a Dark Triad brand personality even if it makes you feel bad. European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary.
  9. Mariani, M.S., Tanese, R., & Algesheimer, R. (2022, April). Optimising Seeding Strategies by Incorporating Empirical Evidence into Influence Maximisation Models. DFG Innovative Marketing and Social Media Conference at Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
  10. Davidov, E., Cieciuch, J., Schmidt, P., & Seddig, D. (2022, February). Assessing measurement invariance: Can we make a dead-end road into a highway? Fourth Annual Likert Workshop - Intersections between Cross-Cultural Survey Research and Cross-Cultural Psychology at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.


  1. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., (2021, November). Uninformed but Unaware: How the Number of Likes Triggers a Knowledge Illusion on Social Media, Digital Democracy Workshop 2021, Digital Democracy Lab UZH (online)
  2. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A. (2021, February). Uninformed but unaware: How online buzz inflates perceived knowledge of news content, 2021 SPSP Pre-Conference on Psychology of Media and Technology, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (online)
  3. Campajola, C., Tessone, C.J. (2021, October). MicroVelocity: rethinking the velocity of money for digital currencies, Conference on Complex Systems CCS 2021, Lyon, France
  4. Campajola, C., Tessone, C.J. (2021, June). MicroVelocity: rethinking the velocity of money for digital currencies, Crypto-Currencies Conference 3 CCC3, HU Berlin, Berlin (online)
  5. Campajola, C., Di Gangi, D., Lillo, F., Tantari, D. (2021, Sept, Oct, Nov). Modelling time-varying interactions in complex systems: the Score-Driven Kinetic Ising Model, Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents WEHIA, Università Cattolica, Milan
  6. Campajola, C., Tessone, C.J. (2021, June, Sept, Oct). MicroVelocity: rethinking the velocity of money for digital currencies, Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents WEHIA, Università Cattolica, Milan
  7. Crestini, G., Giuffredi-Kähr, A., Tanase, R., Natter, M. (2021, November). Does pricing transparency benefit or harm the customer-retailer relationship? DSI - Decision Science Institute 2021 (online)
  8. Crestini, G. (2021, February). How have online customer reviews transformed the role of brands as signals of intangible attributes? AMA Winter Academic Conference, American Marketing Association AMA (online)
  9. Costa, D., Algesheimer, R., Tanase, R. (2021, May). The Habitual Self: Counter-Intentional Habits as Main Barrier for Sustainable Food Choices, EMAC 2021, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)
  10. Costa, D., Algesheimer, R., Tanase, R. (2021, May). The Habitual Self: Counter-Intentional Habits as Main Barrier for Sustainable Food Choices (and how to overcome them), EMAC Doctoral Colloqium, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)
  11. Lin, J., Marchese, E., Tessone, C.J., Squartini, T. (2021, May). A second path towards centralisation of the Bitcoin economy, CompleNet Live 2021, University of Exeter, UK (online)
  12. Lin, J., Primicerio, K., Squartini, T., Decker, Ch., Tessone, C.J. (2021, July). A second path towards centralisation of the Bitcoin economy, Networks 2021: A joint Sunbelt and Netsci Conference, Indiana University Network Science Institute (online)
  13. Mari, A., Algesheimer, R. (2021, January). The Role of Trusting Beliefs in Voice Assistants during Voice Shopping, 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa (online)
  14. Mariani, M.S., Algesheimer, R. (2021, May). Mechanisms and early signals behind predictive users in online communities, EMAC 2021, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)
  15. Mariani, M.S., Algesheimer, R. (2021, June). Mechanisms and early signals behind predictive users in online communities, 2021 INFORMS Marketing Science Virtual Conference, Simon Business School  University of Rochester (online)
  16. Mariani, M.S., Algesheimer, R., Tessone, C.J. (2021, October). Predicting collective success from individual behavior, Conference of the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science SAMS, Lucerne, Switzerland
  17. Merian, S., Tipaldi, P., Fuchs, K., Natter, M. (2021, May). "Show Me Your Basket, I Show You What Drives Your Food Waste” Identifying Drivers of Shoppers’ Food Waste and Ways to Reduce It", EMAC 2021, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)
  18. Merian, S., Tipaldi, P., Fuchs, K., Natter, M. (2021, May). How Retailers can Help Reducing Food Waste, EMAC Doctoral Colloqium, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)
  19. Scherpenzeel, A., Roberts, C., Davidov, E. (2021, July). Surveys' past, present and future. A podcast with Annette Scherpenzeel, Caroline Roberts, and Eldad Davidov, 9th ESRA Conference, ESRA Europen Survey Research Association (online)
  20. Tanase, R., Mariani, M.S., Algesheimer, R. (2021, July). The role of susceptibility in the diffusion process, Networks 2021: A joint Sunbelt and Netsci Conference, Indiana University Network Science Institute (online)
  21. Tanase, R., Mariani, M.S., Algesheimer, R. (2021, June). Optimising Seeding Strategies By Incorporating Empirical Evidence Into Influence Maximisation Models, 2021 INFORMS Marketing Science Virtual Conference, Simon Business School  University of Rochester (online)
  22. Tipaldi, P., Giuffredi-Kähr, A., Natter, M., Mak, V. (2021, October). Flexibility in Commitment Devices Contingent on Self- vs. Other-Achieved Goals, Conference of the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science SAMS, Lucerne, Switzerland
  23. Wenzel, C., Algesheimer, R. (2021, May). The value of personal data: How the monetarization of personal information can increase the willingness to pay for digital services and offer consumers a true choice, EMAC Doctoral Colloqium, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)
  24. Wenzel, C., Scherer, A. (2021, May). Sharing Data for Social Good: From Uninformed Consent to Misinformed Dissent, EMAC 2021, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid (online)


  1. Bachmann, P., Näf, J., Meierer, M., Schilter, P., Algesheimer, R. (2020, January). Estimating individual customer lifetime value with R: The CLVTools package, Applied Machine Learning Days 2020, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  2. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2020, October). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like? 1st-Ever Virtual ACR Conference 2020, Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France
  3. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2020, October). Uninformed But Unaware: How the number of likes triggers a knowledge illusion on social media, 1st-Ever Virtual ACR Conference 2020, Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France
  4. Costa, D., Tanase, R., Algesheimer R. (2020, June). The Green Gap: Why We Would Like To, but We Do Not Behave Sustainable, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (virtual conference), Duke University Fuqua School of Business, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  5. Davidov, E. (2020, April). Basic human values: Their measurement, comparability, change, antecedents and consequences, Meeting of the Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Aging at the University of Haifa, Israel
  6. Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Darowska, L. (2020, February). Justice attitudes and human values in Germany and Poland – in the context of global challenges, European Social Survey Round 9 ”Poland and its European context: Continuity and Change”, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  7. Gaegauf, L., Meierer, M. (2020, November). Which shoes fit this dress? Using product images to infer “perfect pairings” across product categories without supervision, UZH Machine Learning Workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  8. Giuffredi-Kähr, A., Ammann, C., Nyffenegger, B., Krohmer, H., Hoyer, W. D. (2020, February). Brand Defense, American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, USA
  9. Giuffredi-Kähr, A., Malär, L., Khamitov, M. (2020, October). The Dirty Thirty of Brand Personality: Narcissistic, Machiavellian, and Psychopathic Brands, 1st-Ever Virtual ACR Conference 2020, Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France
  10. Giuffredi-Kähr, A., Nyffenegger, B., Khamitov, M., Hoyer, W. D., Krohmer, H., (2020, February). Consumer Brand Sabotage, American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, USA
  11. Gonçalves, S., Weber, A., Iannelli, F. (2020, April). Trend analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in China and the rest of the world, COVID 19 - Modeling Infection Dynamics (virtual meeting), International Institute of Physics – IIP, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil
  12. Iannelli, F. (2020, January). Ranking nodes at and above criticality, Netsci-X, Tokyo, Japan
  13. Li, S., Yang, Z., Tessone, C. J. (2020, August). Proof-of-Work cryptourrency mining: a statistical approach to fairness, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC Workshops, virtual), Chongqing, China
  14. Li, S., Yang, Z., Tessone, C. J. (2020, May). Mining Blocks in a Row: A Statistical Study of Fairness in Bitcoin Mining, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency ICBC (virtual conference), University of Toronto, Canada
  15. Lin, J., Primicerio, K., Squartini, T. Decker, C., Tessone, C. J. (2020, January). Lightning network: a second path towards centralization of the Bitcoin economy, Netsci-X, Tokyo, Japan
  16. Mari, A., Mandelli, A., Algesheimer, R. (2020, July). The Evolution of Marketing in the Context of Voice Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, HCII2020, 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (virtual conference), Copenhagen, Denmark
  17. Mariani, M. S., Gimenez, Y., Brea, J., Minnoni, M., Algesheimer, R., Tessone, C. J. (2020, September). Predicting collective success from individual behavior, NetSci 2020, the 7th Satellite on Quantifying success (online conference), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  18. Mariani, M. S., Gimenez, Y., Brea, J., Minnoni, M., Algesheimer, R., Tessone, C. J. (2020, July). Predicting success in social systems, Socioeconomic Networks and Network Science Workshop (online workshop), Naoki Masuda, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  19. Mariani, M. S., Gimenez, Y., Brea, J., Minnoni, M., Algesheimer, R., Tessone, C. J. (2020, June). The wisdom of the few: Predicting collective success from individual behavior, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (virtual conference), Duke University Fuqua School of Business, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  20. Merian, S., Tipaldi, P., Fuchs, K., Natter, M. (2020, October). Show Me Your Basket, I Show You What Drives Your Food Waste - Identifying Drivers of Shoppers' Food Waste and Ways to Reduce It, 1st-Ever Virtual ACR Conference 2020, Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France
  21. Scherer, A., Candrian C., Algesheimer, R. (2020, October). Belief Updating Bias in Interactions with Artificial Agents, 1st-Ever Virtual ACR Conference 2020, Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France
  22. Tanase, R., Mariani, M. S., Yang, Z., Algesheimer, R. (2020, September). Will it spread? The effect of consumer susceptibility in the diffusion process, NetSci 2020 (online conference), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  23. Tanase, R., Mariani, M. S., Yang, Z., Algesheimer, R. (2020, June). Will it spread? Quantifying the predictability of new product diffusion in social networks, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (virtual conference), Duke University Fuqua School of Business, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  24. Van den Ochtend, J., Goldenberg, J., Algesheimer, R. (2020, June). The Effect Of Non-reciprocal Behavior On Community Participation: The Threat Of Inactive Members For Online Brand Communities, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (virtual conference), Duke University Fuqua School of Business, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  25. Wenzel, C., Algesheimer, R. (2020, October). The Value of Personal Information - Consumers’ Valuations and Preferences For Personal Data And Privacy, 1st-Ever Virtual ACR Conference 2020, Assosiation for Consumer Research, Paris, France


  1. Arnet, S., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2019, May). It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it! If so, can one compute the optimal conversational style? EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany
  2. Bachmann, P., Meierer, M. (2019, December). Time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models, ANZMAC Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand
  3. Becker, C. C., Davidov, E., Cieciuch, J., Algesheimer, R., Kindschi, M., Rauhut, H., Ehlert, A., Tessone, C. J. (2019, July). The influence of basic human values on attitudes towards immigrants among school children in Switzerland and Poland, 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, Croatia
  4. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2019, October). News consumption on social media: Uninformed but unaware, APA Technology, Mind & Society, Washington, USA
  5. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2019, May). News consumption on social media: When do we actually read the news that we like? European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany
  6. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2019, May). News consumption on social media: When do we actually read the news that we like? EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany
  7. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2019, February). News consumption on social media: When do we actually read the news that we like? Pre-conference “Psychology of Media and Technology” at the 2019 SPSP Convention, Portland, USA
  8. Candrian, C., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2019, May). Belief updating bias in interactions with artificial agents, EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany
  9. Cieciuch, J. (2019, May). Unpacking the relations between values and personal traits: Contributions from the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits, Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: Understanding personal values: Personality, context and culture, Jerusalem, Israel
  10. Cieciuch, J., Strus, W., Davidov, E. (2019, July). Values and virtues: Towards an integration within the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits, 5th IACCP 2019 Regional conference, San José, Costa Rica
  11. Cieciuch, J. (2019, July). Values and personal identity – towards a comprehensive framework of the relationships, 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia
  12. Davidov, E. (2019, November). Measuring basic human values and studying their comparability and change from a sociological and psychological perspective. Research workshop of the ERC research group on exploring values in technology across methods and disciplines, Delft, The Netherlands
  13. Davidov, E. (2019, May). Direct and indirect effects of values on attitudes and behavior. Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: Understanding personal values: Personality, context and culture, Jerusalem, Israel
  14. Gui, R., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2019, July). REndo: An R package to address endogeneity without external instrumental variables, useR!, Toulouse, France
  15. Mari, A. (2019, October). Voice commerce: Understanding shopping-related voice assistants and their effect on brands, IMMAA Annual Conference, Doha, Qatar
  16. Mariani, M. S., Tessone, C. J., Algesheimer, R. (2019, September). Searching for individuals whose early adoptions signal future success in a nationwide socio-economic system, European Conference in Social Networks, Zurich, Switzerland
  17. Mariani, M. S., Tessone, C. J., Algesheimer, R. (2019, May). Discoverers of success in temporal networks: identification, socio-economic characterization, and predictive applications, NetSci 2019, Burlington, Vermont, USA
  18. Skimina, E., Cieciuch, J. (2019, July). Personality metatraits and higher-order values predict everyday activities, Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Florence, Italy
  19. Tanase, R., Algesheimer R.  (2019, June). Switch or repeat? The hidden effect of social influence on purchase behavior, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2019, Rome, Italy
  20. Tessone, C. J. (2019, February), Using network emulation to study blockchain distributed systems: The Ethereum case, PDP 2019 27thEuromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, Pavia, Italy
  21. Tipaldi, P., Natter, M. (2019, June). Buyer’s price empowerment and how to tame the beast. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy
  22. Van den Ochtend, J., Gui, R., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2019, July). Social Influence in the presence of homophily: Method-comparison across multiple scenarios, International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Amsterdam, Netherlands
  23. Van den Ochtend, J., Gui, R., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2019, May). Birds of a feather flock together: Distinguishing social influence from shared personality traits, European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany
  24. Wamsler, J., Vuckovac, D., Natter, M., Ilic, A. (2019, June). Taking from the Competition: Increasing Customers’ Share-of-Wallet Through Targeted Price Promotions. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome, Italy
  25. Yang, Z., Tanase, R., Algesheimer, R. (2019, June). The differential effect of social and content related user generated content on customer acquisition, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2019, Rome, Italy


  1. Bachmann, P., Meierer, M., Näf, J., Algesheimer, R. (2018, November). Individual Customer Lifetime Values with R: The CLVTools Package. Poster presented at Swiss Statistics Seminars, Bern, Switzerland.
  2. Bachmann P., Meierer, M. (2018, July). Estimating individual Customer Lifetime Values with R: The CLVTools Package. UseR!, Brisbane, Australia.
  3. Bachmann, P., Meierer, M. (2018, June). The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent customer attrition models. 2018 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  4. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2018, September). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like? 2nd EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Research Camp, Vienna, Austria.
  5. Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer, R. (2018, May). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we share? EMAC 31st Doctoral Colloquium, Glasgow, UK.
  6. Cieciuch, J., Skimina, E., Schwartz, S. H., Davidov, E., Algesheimer, R. (2018, July). Value-traits and value-states: The same circular structure but different hierarchies. 24th International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Congress, Guelph, Canada.
  7. Mariani M. S. (2018, June). Ranking bias in networks: detection and suppression. Poster presented at NetSci 2018, Paris, France.
  8. Mariani M. S. (2018, June). Influencers identification in complex networks through reaction-diffusion dynamics. Poster presented at NetSci 2018, Paris, France.
  9. Mariani M. S. (2018, January). Early identification of significant papers and patents in citation networks. NetSciX 2018, Hangzhou, China.
  10. Makos, D., Cieciuch, J. (2017, July). Stability and change of value structure and preferences measured by Animated Value Instrument in children. The Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID 2017), Warsaw, Poland.
  11. Ponikiewska, K., Cieciuch, J. (2017, July). Interpersonal values in the context of personality traits and basic human values. The Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID 2017), Warsaw, Poland.
  12. Skimina, E., Cieciuch, J. (2018, April). We value self-enhancement more than we think: Reports from research on the circular model of personal values. International Conference "Between Narcissism and Entitlement: Self-Enhancement in a Cross-Cultural Perspective", Warsaw.
  13. Skimina, E., Cieciuch, J. (2018, July). Behavioral signatures of values in real‐time self‐report. 9th European Conference on Personality (ECP19) of the European Association of Personality Psychology, Zadar, Croatia.
  14. Van den Ochtend, J., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2018, July). The Impact of Private Information and Social Influence on Consumer Behavior. International Conference on Computational Social Science 2018, Evanston, USA.
  15. Yang, Z., Perotti, J. I., Roman, M., Tessone, C. J. (2018, March). Evaluating hierarchical community detection algorithms in artificial networks. The PIIK 2nd Swiss Symposium on Network Science, Zurich, Switzerland.
  16. Zavolokina, L., Spychiger, F., Tessone, C. J., Schwabe, G. (2018, December). Incentivizing data quality in blockchains for inter-organizational networks – learning from the digital car dossier. International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, USA.
  17. Tipaldi, P., Natter, M., May 2018. The agony of choice: How to present complex innovative systems to older adults. In: EMAC 2018. Oslo, Norway.
  18. Wamsler, J., Vuckovac, D., Natter, M., Ilic, A., May 2018. Inferring true interpurchase times from incomplete information: A model comparison. In: EMAC 2018. Glasgow, United Kingdom.


  1. Bachmann, P., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2017, June). Instant Customer Base Analysis: Re-assessing the performance of managerial heuristics. 2017 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2017, Los Angeles, USA.
  2. Camacho Guardian, A. (2017, September). Idiosyncratic correlations and non-Gaussian distributions in network data. Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Cancun, Mexico.
  3. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Algesheimer, R. (2017, December). Human Values in the European Social Survey 2002-2015. How should we analyze country differences and what have we learned about them? Scientific conference of the Research Training SOCLIFE at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, Cologne, Germany.
  4. Davidov, E. (2017, September). Explaining negative sentiments toward immigrants: Country and individual-level explanations. University of Konstanz’ research alumni meeting movement and migration, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  5. Davidov, E., Prokropek, A., Schmidt, P. (2017, November). Is partial approximate measurement invariance enough? A simulation study. GESIS Symposium on advances in scale development in the social sciences: issues of comparability, Mannheim, Germany.
  6. Davidov, E., Seddig, D., Maskileyson, D (2017, November). The comparability of measures in the ageism module in the fourth round of the European Social Survey, 2008-2009. GESIS Symposium on advances in scale development in the social sciences: issues of comparability, Mannheim, Germany.
  7. Li, X., Yang, X., Hu, D., Wu, J., Wang, H.J. (2017, December). Understanding the impacts of social influence on initial and sustained participation in open source software projects. International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, Korea.
  8. Löwenberg, M., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2017, June). Zooming in on the international take-off of new products. 2017 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, USA.
  9. Skimina, E., Cieciuch, J. (2017, June). Using experience sampling method to measure expressions of personal values in behavior. The 5th Biennial Conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg.
  10. Skimina, E., Cieciuch, J., Strus, W. (2017, July). How personality traits and personal values are related to behavior at different levels of hierarchy. The Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID 2017), Warsaw, Poland.
  11. Tessone, C. J. (2017, November/December). In-block nested structural patterns in ecological and social networks. Complex Networks 2017, the 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Lyon, France.
  12. Tessone, C. J. (2017, June). Bitcoins: A fate of centralization for decentralized money supply. Computing in Economics and Finance, New York, USA.
  13. Tessone, C. J. (2017, June). The limits of efficiency in blockchain systems: Parsimonious modelling and data, NetSci 2017, Indianapolis, USA.
  14. Tessone, C. J., Algesheimer, R. (2017, September). Idiosyncratic correlations and non-Gaussian distributions in network data. Conference on Complex Systems 2017, Cancun, Mexico.
  15. Topolewska-Siedzik, E., Cieciuch, J. (2017, July). Identity as moderator of the relationships between gamma personality metatraits and values. The Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID 2017), Warsaw, Poland.
  16. Van den Ochtend, J., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2017, May). Social Influence on cross-buying: The importance of private and social information. 2017 European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC, Groningen, Netherlands.
  17. Wamsler, J., Reiner, J., Natter, M., May 2017. The triple role of price. In: EMAC 2017. Oslo, Norway.
  18. Yang, Z., Perotti, J. I., Tessone, C. J. (2017, November, December). A comparison of hierarchical community detection algorithms. Complex Networks 2017, the 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Lyon, France.
  19. Yang, Z., Algesheimer, R., Dholakia, U. (2017, March). The impact of customers’ minor ethical transgression: an empirical analysis, SSSTC Workshop on Big Data Research, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.


  1. Akca, S., Rao, A. (2016, July). Value of search aggregators, 13th Marketing Dynamics Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
  2. Bachmann, P. (2016, August). Time-varying covariates for the Pareto/NBD model. Lehrstuhltreffen, University of St. Gallen, Rorschach, Switzerland.
  3. Bachmann, P., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, June). Time-varying covariates for the Pareto/NBD model. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, China.
  4. Camacho Guardian, A., Tessone, C.J., Algesheimer, R. (2016, November). Interpreting social network structures. The PIIK 1st Swiss Symposium on Network Science, Zurich, Switzerland.
  5. Camacho Guardian, A., Tessone, C.J., Algesheimer, R. (2016, April). The effects the number of agents has in the formation of networks and statistical analysis on multiple networks. 36th International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Newport Beach, USA.
  6. Cieciuch, J. (2016, July). The cross-country comparability of the immigration module in the European Social Survey 2014-15. International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC), Chicago, USA.
  7. Cieciuch, J., Strus, W. (2016, July-August). Circular structure of values within the circumplex of personality metatraits. 23rd International Congress of Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan.
  8. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Algesheimer, R. (2016, April). Only approximately comparable: Results of approximate invariance testing of values across European countries across various rounds of the European Social Survey. Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Zurich, Switzerland.
  9. Davidov, E., Cieciuch, J., Schmidt, P., Algesheimer, R. (2016, July-August). Bayesian approximate measurement invariance of human values in six rounds of the European Social Survey. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan.
  10. Davidov, E., Cieciuch, J., Schmidt, P. (2016, July). The cross-country comparability of the immigration module in the European Social Survey 2014-15. 3MC Conference, Chicago, USA.
  11. Fischer, R., Ferreira, M. C., Gok, K., van Meurs, N., Jiang, Fontaine, J., Harb, C., Cieciuch, J., Achoui, M., Mendoza, M. S., D., Hassan, A., Mogaji, A., D.-Y., Achmadi (2016, August). Cultural Uncertainty as Moderator of the Organizational Formalization Puzzle. 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
  12. Gorodzeisky, A., Semyonov, M., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P. (2016, November). Perceived Threat and Racial Prejudice: Sources of Opposition to Immigration in Five European Countries. European attitudes to immigration conference, British Academy for the humanities and social sciences, London, UK.
  13. Grimm, A., Tessone, C.J. (2016, November). Detecting nestedness in graphs. 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Milano, Italy.
  14. Grimm, A. (2016, September). Nestedness in communication networks: From information exchange to topology. Conference on Complex Systems 2016 – Self-Organized patterns on complex networks, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  15. Hu, D., Yan, J., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, December). Understanding moderators of peer influence for engineering viral marketing seeding simulations and strategies. International Conference of Information Systems 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
  16. Kotowski, W., Schäfer, M., Algesheimer, R., Kozinets, R.V. (2016, July). Dissolving consumer communities. Consumer Culture Theory Conference CCTC, Lille, France.
  17. Kotowski, W., Schäfer, M., Algesheimer, R., Kozinets, R.V. (2016, May). Dissolving consumer communities. 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC, Oslo, Norway.
  18. Lee, J., Cieciuch, J., Doering, A., Collins, T. (2016, July-August). The consistency of value-based choices and its application in young children in Australia and Poland. 23rd International Congress of Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan.
  19. Lee, J., Doering, A., Cieciuch, J., Collins, T., (2016, July-August). The structure of young children’s values in Australia and Poland. 23rd International Congress of Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan.
  20. Löwenberg, M., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, June). The dynamic influence of relational and transactional marketing efforts on salesperson performance. 2016 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, China.
  21. Löwenberg, M., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, May). The dynamic effects of relational and transactional marketing efforts on salesperson performance. 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC, Oslo, Norway.
  22. Masso, A., Davidov, E., Coenders, M. (2016, July). TV use and attitudes toward immigration in Europe in a cross-country perspective. 3rd ESS Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  23. Schmidt, P., Wójcik, A. D., Cieciuch, J. (2016, July). National identity and attitudes toward foreigners in Poland and Germany: An analysis of ISSP data from 1995 till 2013. 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Warsaw, Poland.
  24. Schönenberger, L., Tanase, R., Schenker-Wicki, A. (2016, September). Controlling complex policy problems: a multi-methodological approach using system dynamics and network controllability. Conference of Complex Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  25. Semyonov, M., Maskileyson, D., Davidov, E. (2016, April). Searching for the ‘Healthy Immigrant’ across European countries. 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, Philadelphia, USA.
  26. Skimina, E., Cieciuch, J. (2016, May). How to measure relations between personal values and behavior using experience sampling methods. Poster presented at the “Measuring Behavior”, Dublin, Irland.
  27. Tanase, R., Tessone, C. J., Algesheimer, R. (2016, May). Identifying influential individuals from time-varying social interactions. Conference on Network Science, Seoul, South Korea.
  28. Tanase, R., Tessone, C.J., Algesheimer, R. (2016, January). The influence potential. A new approach to identify influential individuals from time-varying social interactions. NetSci-X Conference, Wroclaw, Poland.
  29. Tessone, C.J. (2016, November). Of Bitcoins and blockchains: A testbed for emergence in complex socio-technical systems. SoFiA: Latin American School and Workshop on Data Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Social Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  30. Tessone, C.J. (2016, November). Extending the Fitness Model to Temporal Networks. 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Milan, Italy.
  31. Tessone, C.J. (2016, September). Stochastic modelling of blockchain-based systems. Peer-to-peer Financial Systems, London, UK.
  32. Tessone, C.J. (2016, July). Understanding the evolution of economic networks through temporal fitness. Statistical Physics of Financial and Economic Networks, Paris, France.
  33. Tessone, C.J. (2016, June). Temporal fitness: Modeling systems with varying network interactions. NetSci 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
  34. Tessone, C.J. (2016, April). Designing Wise Crowds: Social Influence and Competition. Collective behavior in the big data area, Toulouse, France.
  35. Topolewska, E., Cieciuch, J. (2016, September). The Circumplex of Identity Formation Modes - theoretical background and the results of empirical research. 9th International Conference on the Dialogical Self, Lublin, Poland.
  36. Van den Ochtend, J., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, September). Social influence on cross-selling: The importance of private and social signals. Lehrstuhltreffen University of St. Gallen, Rorschach, Switzerland.
  37. Van den Ochtend, J., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2016, May). Product adoption within the existing customer base: The importance of private and social signals. 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC, Oslo, Norway.
  38. Yang, Z., Algesheimer, R., Tessone, C. J. (2016, June). A comparative analysis of community detection algorithms on artificial networks, Poster presented at Network Science, Seoul, South Korea.


  1. Akca, S., Rao, A. (2015, June). Value of search aggregators, 37th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, USA.
  2. Bachmann, P., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2015, June). The role of seasonality in CLV estimation. 37th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Baltimore, USA.
  3. Beierlein, C., Kuntz, A., Davidov, E. (2015, July). Value priorities and group-focused enmity. 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.
  4. Camacho Guardian, A., Tanase, R., Tessone, C.J., Algesheimer, R. (2015, June). A generalization of exponential random graph models for multiple networks. ICCSS International Conference on Computational Social Science, Helsinki, Finland.
  5. Cieciuch, J. Davidov, E., Algesheimer, R. (2015, July). A longitudinal study on value change among children in five cohorts. 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  6. Cieciuch, J. Davidov, E., Algesheimer, R. (2015, July). Toward a model of value development in childhood. 14th European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.
  7. Cieciuch, J. Davidov, E., Algesheimer, R. (2015, July). Exact versus approximate measurement invariance: Theoretical overview and an empirical illustration. 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Zurich, Switzerland.
  8. Cieciuch, J. Davidov, E., Algesheimer, R., Schmidt, P. (2015, March). The cross-country approximate comparability of human values in the European Social Survey tested by a Bayesian approach. International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation, London.
  9. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Algesheimer, R., Meuleman, B., Hausherr, M. (2015, February). Testing for exact versus approximate measurement invariance of the attitudes toward immigrants scale in the European Social Survey: 2002-2012, Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Berlin, Germany.
  10. Davidov, E., Dülmer, H., Cieciuch, J., Kuntz, A., Seddig, D., Schmidt, P. (2015, February). Explaining measurement non-equivalence using multilevel Structural Equation Modelling. Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Berlin, Germany.
  11. Tanase, R., Tessone, C.J., Algesheimer, R. (2015, September). Who do we follow? A new approach to identify influential individuals from time varying social interactions. CCS Conference on Complex Systems, Phoenix, United States.
  12. Tessone, C.J., Garcia, D., Perony, N., Mavrodiev, P. (2015, December). From social media to endogenous activity: Their effects on Bitcoin price bubbles and user adoption. 8th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2015), London, UK.
  13. Tessone, C.J. (2015, June). Network volatility as a source of collective dynamics. ICCSS International Conference on Computational Social Science, Helsinki, Finland.
  14. Yang, Z., Tanase, R., Tessone, C.J., Algesheimer, R. (2015, June). Fraud behaviour on an online shopping platform. ICCSS International Conference on Computational Social Science, Helsinki, Finland.


  1. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E. (2013, January). A refined value theory. Research colloquium, Cologne, Germany.
  2. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E. (2013, February). Accounting for social desirability in the measurement of human values. Structural Equation Modeling Working Group, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
  3. Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E. (2013, December). Measurement invariance of a new scale to measure 19 human values across countries. Comparing results of continuous, categorical and Bayesian analysis. 1st Southern European Conference on Survey Methodology (SESM) and VI Congreso de Metodología de Encuestas, Barcelona, Spain.
  4. Ciriello, R. F., Hu, D., Schwabe, G. (2013, December). Identifying patterns of idea diffusion in innovator networks. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milano, Italy.
  5. Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Beierlein, C., Cieciuch, J. (2013, July). Human Values Session, at the 5th ESRA conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  6. Davidov, E., Cieciuch, J. (2013, March). Measurement equivalence of a new scale to measure basic human values. GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, Germany.
  7. Davidov, E. (2013, January). When do values matter more? Explaining attitudes toward immigration. International conference of ISA (RC31), Migration and Well-Being: Research Frontiers, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  8. Hu, D., Yang, X., Li, J., Yan, J. (2013, June). Identifying hidden community elites in online social networks. The China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Tianjin, China.
  9. Kindschi, M., Meierer, M., Algesheimer, R. (2013, July). Successfully implementing change in market driven organizations. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  10. Löwenberg, M., Meierer M., Algesheimer, R. (2013, July). Does salesperson prioritization pay off? INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  11. Yan, J., Hu, D., Zhao, J. L. (2013, January). An ontology-based approach for bank stress testing. 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA.
  12. Yang, X., Hu, D., Davison, R. (2013, January). How microblogging networks affect project success of open source software development. 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA.
  13. Zou, X.-Y., Algesheimer, R., Stahl, F. (2013, July). Effect of new product introduction and cannibalization for multi-brand companies. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

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