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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

Claudia Wenzel successfully completed the DSI Excellence Program

Congratulations to Claudia Wenzel and the other PhD candidates for obtaining the complementary excellence program. 

Claudia Wenzel DSI Excellence Program

The Excellence Program is a complementary curriculum to a doctoral degree. The program is offered by the UZH Digital Society Initiative(DSI), a scientific institution aiming to promote independent scientific reflection and innovation on issues relating to a digital society, to prepare UZH students to help shape the digital society, engage in a continuous discourse with the public and support political decision-making.

The DSI Excellence Program for Ph.D. students is an initiative that features interdisciplinary courses about digital skills and technical knowledge, interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving, and critical reflection on all aspects of a digital society, including ethical, legal, and societal aspects of digital change.

Over the past two years, the graduates of the DSI Excellence Program have gained competencies in digitalization at the levels of knowledge, skills and abilities through compulsory and elective courses and benefitted from interdisciplinary networking across all UZH faculties. 

Claudia Wenzel Associate URPP Social Networks University of Zurich Award DSI Initiatve PhD Program Excellence

Warmest congratulations to all the DSI Excellence Program graduates!
