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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

Competence Centre on Blockchain

UZH Blockchain Center

On the 1st of March, 2019, the Board of the University of Zurich has formally established a Competence Centre on Blockchain and follows a grass-root initiative by several Professors who were holding research activities back in 2017. Now, among its members, it hosts 20 Professors from two Faculties and seven departments (including four from IBW). It is now the largest initiative of this kind in Switzerland but - more importantly - it is the most interdisciplinary one. No other academic institution has the reach to cover areas as variegated as Regulation, Criminal Law, Informatics, Economics, Finance and Business Administration.  
The main mandates are: coordination and fostering of research activities and fund-raising; developing a systematic  education offering that ranges from undergraduate students to professionals; serving as a single point of contact between UZH and other societal stakeholders, like the thriving Swiss industrial ecosystem in the area, the government and peer institutions.

The Steering Committee (its sole governing body) is composed by: Christian Ewerhart, Thorsten Hens, Gerhard Schwabe, Claudio J. Tessone, Rolf H. Weber.
