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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

PhD Seminar Consumer Wisdom for Sustainable Consumption

PhD Seminar Consumer wisdom Prof Luchs

This seminar, taught by Prof. Dr. Michael Luchs and Prof Dr. Andrea Giuffredi Kähr, will address the emerging topic of Consumer Wisdom. We will begin by exploring the rapid growth of research on wisdom in psychology over the last decade, with a focus on understanding different ways to assess wisdom, and the various dimensions of wisdom.  Next, we’ll focus specifically on Consumer Wisdom, with a parallel focus on its structure and content as well as the methods used to develop wisdom theory and measures.  Finally, we will consider emerging research on wisdom within Consumer Behavior (e.g., Social Media Wisdom), during which participants will also explore their own potential wisdom-oriented research proposals

2nd - 4th May 2022. Details can be found on the course catalogue.
