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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

Dr. Silvia Blas Riesgo: Welcome to the Team!

The URPP Social Networks team welcomes the new Postdoctoral Researcher, Dr. Silvia Blas Riesgo.

As of Mar.1st, 2023Silvia Blas Riesgo joins the Chair of Marketing in the Digital Economy, URPP Social Networks, as Postdoctoral Researcher


Silvia Blas Riesgo is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Business Administration, where she is working on the research project “Narcissistic, Machiavellian, and Psychopathic Brands: Measurement, Outcomes, and Contingency Factors” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Before joining the University of Zurich, Silvia obtained a Ph.D. in Communication (2022) at the University of Navarra (Spain). During her Ph.D. studies, Silvia carried out research periods at Erasmus University (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and Università della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano).


The focus of her research was the attitude-behavior gap in sustainable fashion consumption. Silvia holds a double bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations (University Cardenal Herrera CEU, Valencia, Spain) and a Master’s degree in Communication Research (University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain). Her research interests are socially relevant topics at the intersection of sustainability, consumer behavior, marketing, and psychology.


We wish Silvia lots of success and happiness in her new role. Best of luck to you!
