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URPP Social Networks (2013-2024)

Deep Dive into Blockchain - Summer School

Prof. Dr. Claudio J. Tessone and the UZH Blockchain Center are hosting a Summer School in July 2020:  Deep Dive into Blockchain

Deep Dive into Blockchain Summer School

This Summer School program gives complete immersion into the topic of blockchain from world-leading experts and practitioners in the field. Blockchain- based systems, with cryptocurrencies as the most prominent example, have disrupted and reshaped the way we now think about digital finance and other similar applications, such as supply chains. Blockchain and related technologies allow to store sequential, trustful information without enforced consensus by central authorities or trustees.
For a full understanding of blockchain, with all its implications and potential for application in practice, it is absolutely crucial to look at it from a multidisciplinary perspective. This is exactly what the UZH Blockchain Center offers during the three weeks of this course: you will understand the three key pillars of blockchain systems, namely the technology, the economics and the legal aspects behind it. Building on this, we will then explore other fields of application, such as forensics and data analytics.
But most importantly, the program is highly interactive, with hands-on practice sessions and field trips to the blockchain hubs in Switzerland – the largest of their kind, worldwide!
